Insider Risk Profile is a self-assessment of risk performed by the organization. The Risk Profile provides insight into cyber risks and helps keep the company on course for achieving high performance. You can improve this rating by implementing technologies and adopting new practices that address the “NO” responses in the survey. Click on the metric to see the details.
* Requires the completion of the iTrust Risk Profile survey.
Reputation is determined by third-party vendors who review and rate the overall cybersecurity of your company. Third parties who review and rate overall cybersecurity determine the Reputation Rating. The number of entities that provide ratings and the ratings themselves influences the overall reputation rating. Click on the metric to see the details.
You can increase this rating by encouraging more third parties to provide you with their reviews.
Patching Cadence measures the frequency of network security vulnerability patches by comparing two or more periods. You can increase this rating by ensuring the frequent patching of vulnerabilities. Click on the metric to see the scanning details.
* Requires the company’s IP or range of IPs to scan
Scanning frequency - once a month.
DNS Resilience
This metric measures the strength of DNS configuration, mail and anti-spoofing security, and other risks. DNS is a core network service that controls access to business services for customers, employees, and vendors. Failure or compromise of DNS services may have serious security and availability implications. You can increase this rating by ensuring the DNS is properly configured and has not been compromised. Click on the metric to see the scanning details.
* Requires the company’s domain names (URLs) to scan.
Scanning frequency - once a week.
Network Security
iTrust analyzes the target attack surface (the total number of points or vectors through which an attacker could try to enter an environment) and security issues with services and ports, anomalies in packet construction, and potential paths to exploitable programs and scripts. You can increase this rating by patching network and application layer vulnerabilities. Click on this metric to see the scanning details.
* Requires the company’s IP or range of IPs to scan.
Scanning frequency - once a week.
Perimeter Security
The network perimeter is the boundary between the public-facing and locally managed-and-owned side of a network. Perimeter Security scanning includes testing of border routers, firewalls, Intrusion Detection/Protection System, and other tools. You can increase this metric by implementing sound security architecture and ensuring timely patching of known vulnerabilities. Click on this metric to see the scanning details.
* Requires the company’s IP or range of IPs to scan.
Scanning frequency - once a week.
Web App Security
iTrust inspects the web app for known exploits and other sensitive information that hackers can use to gain unauthorized access to a company’s web application. The rating reflects the likelihood of a web application breach or an active breach in progress. You can improve this rating by ensuring that web application vulnerabilities are patched frequently. Click on the metric to see the scanning details.
* Requires the company’s domain names (URLs) to scan.
Scanning frequency - once a week.
Mail Server Security
An open mail relay is an open Email server configured in such a way that it allows anyone on the Internet to send emails through it. This allows spammers to reroute emails through third-party servers to avoid detection and to exploit additional resources of this open relay mail server. iTrust scans the company’s mail server in order to check if it is properly secured and does not accept and forward arbitrary emails from non-local IP addresses to non-local mailboxes or by unauthorized users. You can improve this rating by ensuring your SMTP mail relay is properly secured and does not accept and forward arbitrary Emails from non-local IPs to non-local mailboxes. Click on this metric to see the scanning details.
* Requires the company’s domain names (URLs) to scan.
Scanning frequency - once a week.
SPAM Blacklist
This metric tests a mail server IP address against over 100 DNS-based Email blacklists. Email blacklists are a common way of reducing spam. If your mail server has been blacklisted, some emails you send may not be delivered. You can increase this rating by ensuring your Email server is not listed on Spam Blacklists. Click on this metric to see the scanning details.
* Requires the company’s domain names (URLs) to scan.
Scanning frequency - once a week.
Hacker Threat Analysis
iTrust monitors underground hacker sites and the dark web, gathering intel on target companies. A flag indicates hackers may be targeting your business. Flags Change over time based on the frequency of chatter and other risk reduction activities. Click on this metric to see the scanning details.
* Requires the company’s IP or range of IPs to scan.
Scanning frequency - once a week.
Breach Metrics
iTrust identifies breaches and leakage of sensitive information. A flag signals that a breach has been reported. Flags change over time following remediation and rehabilitation. Click on this metric to see the scanning details.
* Requires the company’s name and domain names (URLs) to scan.
Scanning frequency - once a week.