Using the iTrust platform you will be able to add and invite new vendors.
Use Menu at the left of your screen to navigate the My Vendor Portfolio tab.
Click on Portfolio to see the list of your vendors sorted by rating, a map of their office locations, and the diagram of your vendors’ average iTrust rating.
Click on any of your vendors to get additional information. Here you can also download vendor reports in .pdf or .html. Vendors’ reports can also be sent to your email.
Click on the EXPORT REPORT button to see the options.
Use the Risk Metrics tab to find your list of Highest Risk Vendors, a graph of your Vendors Compliance Status, and a diagram of your Vendors’ Compliance Aging.
Click on any vendor to see the details.
The Alerts tab displays notifications of your vendors’ cybersecurity score decreasing events.
Use the search field to find a specific alert notification.
Click on each vendor to see the details and download the report.
An iTrust Rating (My Vendor Portfolio) tab displays a list of all of your vendors’ iTrust ratings.
Click on each vendor to see the details. Here you can download a cybersecurity and compliance report of all of your vendors at once in .pdf or .html format.
The report can also be sent to your email. Press EXPORT REPORT to see the options.
High-Risk Vendors tab shows a list of your vendors rated by the lowest iTrust rating. Click on each vendor to see the details. Here you can download a cybersecurity and compliance report of all of your vendors at once in .pdf or .html format. The report can also be sent to your email.
Press EXPORT REPORT to see the options.
Breach/Compromised tab displays the list of your vendors that were breached or compromised during the iTrust cybersecurity assessment scanning.
Click on each vendor to get the details.
Here you can download a cybersecurity and compliance report of all of your vendors at once in .pdf or .html format. The report can also be sent to your email.
Press EXPORT REPORT to see the options.
Expand ASSESSMENTS to see your Surveys tab.
You can find the list of Reputation Surveys completed by your vendors. Click on each Survey to see its details.
Expand VENDORS to see such tabs as List, Add Vendors, and Invites.
Vendors List displays the list of your actual vendors. Click on the Status options button to change the status of your vendor.
You can view your own notes, add new ones, or remove a vendor from the list by clicking the Actions button.
Click on each vendor to get the details.
Here you can also download a cybersecurity and compliance report of all of your vendors at once in .pdf or .html format. The report can be sent to your email. Press EXPORT REPORT to see the options.